I will admit that a severely overestimated how much time I was going to have on weekends to train for this ride this spring.
I will admit that the three bike rides I've been on are not nearly enough and thinking about it makes me sad.
So, I've resolved to reallocate some of my after hours work time to ALC9 and all things biking. The majority of my distractions are out of the way now, and I can focus and go.
Low and behold, a lot has happened since we last met.
First and foremost, in what I can only assume is god punishing me for the *cough* more sinful pleasures of spinning class *cough* my beloved (riding) partner, my wing(WO)man, my silent, my editor in chief, the one the only the FABULOUS SUNSHINE (pictured)
has sustained a substantial injury to her right shoulder and as such is in the process of scheduling surgery for this spring. Due to this injury, she will no longer be able to ride the ride or train the train.
Yes, it's true. I'm crying right now just writing about it. I feel like Tom Cruise when he lost that guy from ER in that one movie about all the volleyball players who take their shirts off. No doubt, Sunny feels much worse.
The bright side is that she's getting taken care of. The thinking positive says that *fingers crossed* she'll have a HOT (single) Doctor (named Dr. Handsome) fall madly in love with her and no less then three (HOT) male nurses for me to ask a lot of questions to while she's in recovery. And of course, now we can add "shoulder surgery" to our list of adventures. Yes, I have considered riding my bike to the hospital.
Pasta Sauce, right? I mean, it just blows.
So Sunny's new job is ALC9 consultant in addition to blog editor, in addition her existing job as my BFF.
My STD/HIV test results are IN . . . and folks, let me say that I am totally STD/HIV free. My trip to the OBGYN was relatively uneventful otherwise I'm sure I would have told you about it sooner. It was nothing like that time I vomited on my Dr.s shoes, (and yes, she's always wearing fabulous $400 heels.) (And double yes, there were students in the room. That's what you get when your Dr.'s are also all professors at USC Med School.)
Bottom line here folks, GET TESTED. BE HAPPY ABOUT IT. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE HAPPY ABOUT IT. It's not hard but it can be scary so if you want me to go with you to a testing site I will. And I'll probably do something stupid and awkward to make you laugh while you're there.
March 7th marked our first fundraising party!!! Holler. WOAH!
We held an Oscar Party at Sunny's house in which our friends and supporters paid $10 to submit a ballot. S/He who picked the most winners would find themselves a winner. Congrats to David W and K-Lewis for taking the Gold and Silver medals, respectively.
Special Thanks to everyone who came out. We raised $140 for our ride.
EXTRA Special Thanks to Diva Thin Muffin for doing all the organizing and making it all happen. Diva, I miss you.
Today's adventure was more administrative. I've got myself signed up for an online fundraising workshop on April 1st, Bike Tech 101 on April 12th, and a double century ride (that means 200 miles) to Santa Barbara and back on May 1st and 2nd (yeah!).
In the meantime, I have reset my short term training goals to be:
1) @ least 1 spinning class per week, more on weeks in which I can't get in an outside ride
2) send fundraising letters by the end of next week
3) buy tire iron
That is enough brain vomit for the blogosphere for now.
With Love,
Sunshine in "husband training" (read: pumping up tires)
Criqet's Sexy Face (note: do not show to potential husbands)