Everything was going just fine, actually. I woke up around 8 something and got on my bike (still needs a name BTW) and rode about 8.8 miles to Sunny's house. It was a nice leisurely ride over at least three million pot holes the size of a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle. It should be noted that my posterior region was loving this ride because I decided to try and make peace with my bike shorts and had them on. It should also be noted that my ladyhood was so insulted between the potholes and the shorts that I was in tears by the time I made it to Sunny's house.
Of course, Sunny has no patience for my tears. She told me to suck it up and let's get going. And I said, sure, I just need to put some air in my tires.
Enter problem. For some magic reasons that we'll learn about later, Sunny's hand pump (hehe) was discovered incompatible with our bike tire thingy ma jigs that you put the air stuff in through.
So basically our ride became a drive to REI, which really meant a drive to the beach so we could throw some disc until REI opened.
Here is a picture of me dancing (not falling over) at the beach.

So, post beach REI love sessions involved some amazing things.
1. Sunny was able to get her Camelbak opened. I guess she doesn't know her own strength because she had been trying to open it all morning. Then I tried to open it. Once both all our thumbs were sore and tired, we tried to open it with hot water, cold water, screw drivers, knives, and even considered waking up her neighbors, all without success. Only failure. And moderate pain. It eventually took two REI strong bodied male employees, 1 bike shop and 1 giant wrench to get the thing opened. Good work Sunny.
2. A bike tire. That's right, we now own 1 bike tire between us. If we both get flats at once, we're in a bit of trouble. If not, the only problem will be figuring out how to change a bike tire.
3. A bike pump that will actually pump air into our bike tires. It's sexy and beyond good for husband training. More on this later.
4. NEW BIKE SHORTS. The capitalization of these letters hardly does justice to the joy that has come from my decision to upgrade my bike shorts. My new pair is lovable and kind and sexy*.
5. And last but certainly not least, our trip to REI (we love REI BTW) yielded the critical knowledge that Sunny's bike pump would probably have filled up our tires just fine had we actually known how to use the darn thing. Sigh. Yes, we're smart and awesome.
So all said and done our nice 3 hour bike ride ended up being a beach trip and shopping adventure that totally prepared us for this week. Which I will write about later, because it's pretty epic and is going to take some time and I'm about to go eat some sushi.

*Sexy = completely unflattering and slightly hideous to wear but still I rock out in them.
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